Figgerits Music Level 421

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Definitions & Words

  • A form of relaxation that improves the heart health - SPA
  • Shamans say it has colors that define your personality - AURA
  • A smart person that is passionate about science fiction - GEEK
  • This color is named after the common cuttlefish - SEPIA
  • __ is not occult, and is based on illusion - MAGIC
  • A database __ depicts the logical view of the entire database - SCHEMA
  • This person loves the outdoors and tents - CAMPER
  • A rank in the air force - AIRMAN
  • You need it if you want a shiny surface - POLISH
  • 99% of this element is stored in our bones! - CALCIUM
  • It is used to depower a boat during the strong winds - MAINSAIL
  • This person is hot-headed yet ambitious and brave - CHOLERIC
  • The conclusive chapter at the end of a story - EPILOGUE
  • If you were named after the king, it makes you his __ - NAMESAKE
  • What do you call the example of marine art? - SEASCAPE

Here are all 15 answers for Figgerits Level 421 in Music. The full phrase comes out to be "Chill music makes people more generous. A study made listeners play a game, in which they were dictators handing out rations to their citizens. Those who heard the chill songs were far more generous than the others."

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