Figgerits Flora Level 464

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Definitions & Words

  • A small stream of water - CREEK
  • Women use it for tinting lips and cheeks - ROUGE
  • Cesium is an ___, and so is lithium - ALKALI
  • It's an academic rank, but in one word - DEGREE
  • To move away from a point or position - RECEDE
  • A plural form of material from Ancient Egypt - PAPYRI
  • It's when a river goes into the sea - ESTUARY
  • "Cancel changes" in one word - DISCARD
  • "Not deserving" in one word - UNWORTHY
  • What do you call a recently married couple? - NEWLYWED
  • It's a rank in church but also in the military - CHAPLAIN
  • A scripted piece for a play or a movie - SCENARIO
  • Cups, bowls, and plates made from clay - CROCKERY
  • The act of declining in numbers - DEPLETION
  • People used it for transmitting messages - TELEGRAPH
  • A person that warmly recalls days of old - NOSTALGIC

Here are all 16 answers for Figgerits Level 464 in Flora. The full phrase comes out to be "Oak trees only start producing acorns when they are at least 50 years old. The oak tree can live up to 1,000 years and produces about 10 million acorns during its lifetime."

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